Declares the functions' actual code along with any local variables used.
Declares the module's custom sections. Often used to pass debug data.
Declares the module's constant data. The data can then be loaded into memory, either at a pre-defined offset or at runtime.
Declares the number of data segments. Used to make validation simpler
Declares the elements contained in the tables defined in the table section.
Declares the module's exports. Like imports, modules can export functions, memories, tables and globals.
Declares the module's functions. Deceptively simply, as this is just a list of indexes into the type section
Declares the module's global variables. Globals can be declared immutable or mutable.
Declares the module's imports. Modules can import functions, memories, tables, and globals
Declares the module's memories. WebAssembly has load and store operations which apply to the memory. As of right now, only one memory is allowed per module.
Declares the module's start function. If it's declared, this function is run on module initialization
Declares the module's tables. Tables are used to store references, such as function references for dynamic dispatch.
Declares the module's function types. The types are for both imported and internally defined functions
Generated using TypeDoc
A JavaScript representation of a WebAssembly module. Each field corresponds to a section in the WebAssembly module structure